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What’s in a Dream?

Your dreams can be a tremendous source of power through the insight they provide. On Dreams.com, you can learn how to remember your dreams, how to interpret your dreams, and how to use your dreams to solve problems in your life.

Dreams Library

Ever wonder what it means to be pregnant in a dream, or what it means to dream about someone who has died? Check out the Dreams Library and see how the DreamsMaster, a seasoned professional in the art of dreamwork, has helped interpret these and other dreams submitted to Dreams.com.

Dream Interpretation

You can also submit a dream of your own to the DreamsMaster, and receive a personal response regarding what your dreams may be telling you. If your dream is selected to be included in the Dreams Library, it will be posted anonymously.

See also:

HeavensCan you visit the deceased in your dreams?

By Michelle Carr
Dream Factory, Psychology Today

…There have been cases where the evidence suggests that dreamers have truly contacted the deceased in their dreams, a finding that may force us to reconsider current conceptions of consciousness and the boundaries between life and death… read more

More articles about dreams and dreaming

One night I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, content with my lot. Suddenly I awoke and I was Chuang-tzu again. Who am I in reality? A butterfly dreaming that I am Chuang-tzu or Chuang-tzu imagining he was a butterfly?
– Chuang-tzu, Third Century B.C.E.

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