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[Server Address: GRX3.NET]
Come play the way Mojang intended. Vanilla. Completely New World. 100 vanilla, Huge world 40K+. Dedicated staff team and beastly server. Lot slot count, and performance is watched and maintained. (NO LAG)

When we say vanilla we mean it. No Mods, Original Mojang Server Jar. We have taken the liberty of making some cities, and some mini games to play when not trying to survive but everything is achieved with the out of the box Mojang default.

A word on the influence of cash in gaming. On our server there is no "gameplay addons for donation" there is no special advantages for wanting to support GRX3 and it will stay that way as that is what Notch and Mojang want, it also happens to be the law. (READ YOUR EULA server owners)

Griefing and Raiding is allowed, but not encouraged.
Rest of the rules

Forum with strong long standing community

The one indulgence we take and it's clearly vanilla is our wonderful personal attendant Osiris. Come meet Osiris, OS.iris, jokes, talks, is full of information and provides a wide variety of services. It also gets smarter every day and actually learns from the community. It's not J.A.R.V.I.S but it is OS.IRIS! Come take a look.