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Lux In Spelunca

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Rank 10832
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Location United States Flag United States
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Hey there!

Are you looking for a safe, mature, fun and friendly environment to play minecraft? Look no further you've found it here. !! We are a 13+ server !!

We are a NO-RAID NO-PVP server. We strive to create a community based on respect and maturity.
-Shop plugins, horse-keep, LWC protection among many other neat features.
-Survival world and a PVP arena
-Creative world for members-only to enjoy.
-Admins all have a great sense of humor ;D
You will start out as a 'noob' and once you've proven yourself a worthy player you will be promoted to member and become part of our community.
Please do not ask for admin/op, you will be kicked, and if you persist you will be banned. We don't tolerate spammers or whiners here, we especially don't tolerate griefers.
We're here to play minecraft, have fun and make friends! Feel free to stop by!