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Pomona is a vast world. Will you rule it?

The last Emperor is dead, and the Empire is in decline. Leaders of various factions scrabble to fill the power vaccum. Will your house succeed where others have failed? Or will you play kingmaker to another's glory? Do you have what it takes to sit on the Blocky Iron Throne?

Come and build an Empire on our Anarchist RPG factions server, and be part of a rich history in the making.

We are an RP-lite factions server run on Anarchist principles. There are no rules to be enforced, you can do whatever you are able. Raiding and griefing are positively encouraged as you backstab your way into power.

We use a variety of plugins - We run an Emeralds-based Gringotts economy managed dynamically by Hyperconomy which means that not even your money is not safe - emeralds can be stolen from your chest-vault so hide it well. They can also be stolen from your cold dead corpse. Our economy supports both server and player shops, and there are neutral server-protected towns and minor settlements dotted about where various items can be traded with the server - these act as PVP-safe zones in an otherwise deadly environment.

Players can build craftable Cannon [] using a plugin to conduct seige warfare, and we also support Massivecraft's Creative Gates which link the major server-controlled settlements to cut down journey time when you are looking to buy or sell your wares.

Come and join us, and found your own noble house. Perhaps you will end up the next Emperor?