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Location Romania Flag Romania
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0.3.7 - R3V 2.1
Manager BaFFy
Report Server Report Server

RO: Serverul nostru detine multe sisteme noi si unice precum: sistem de panouri publicitare, sistem de stage pentru vehicule(mareste viteza maxima a acestora), sistem de case dinamice + sistem de mobila/amenajare a acesteia, sistem de vehicule dinamice, sistem de afaceri dinamice, sistem de feribot, sistem de joburi dinamice, sistem de minimisiuni, sistem de companii/firme(te poti angaja, poti detine una, poti cumpara un sediul al firmei, vehicule ale firmei, iti poti plati angajatii, toate taxele sunt platite de firma daca folosesti un vehicul al firmei, etc), sistem de misiuni zilnice, sistem de mape/harti dinamice(exista mape exterioare celei din San Andreas), sistem de apartamente in zona Los Santos Beach, sistem de prieteni(te poti teleporta la acestia daca se afla in lista ta de prieteni), sistem Daily Login, sistem de spalatorie de masini, economie asemanatoare vietii reale, sistem limba preferata(romana/engleza) si multe alte sisteme pe care dorim sa le descoperiti pe serverul nostru.


EN: Our server contains a lot of new and unique systems as: billboards system, vehicle stage system(it increases vehicle's velocity), dynamic houses system + furniture system, dynamic vehicle system, dynamic business system, ferry system, dynamic jobs system, minimissions system, companies system(you can buy headquarters, vehicles, you can pay your employees, your fines and all the taxes are payed by your company if you use a company vehicle, etc), daily missions system, dynamic maps system(there are a lot of exterior maps of San Andreas), apartments systems in Los Santos Beach area, friends system(you can teleport to them for free if they are in your friends list, etc), Daily Login system, car wash system, economy related to the real one, admins system, vip system, language system(romanian/english) and a lot of many other systems which we would like you discover on our server.


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