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Location United States Flag United States
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Manager SafeHavenSMP
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Safe Haven SMP is a community-based survival multiplayer server with no griefing allowed. Our community is very friendly and helpful to all! We have plugins such as blocklocker, chestshop, McMMO, and we have an economy system. Safe Haven was created as a home for everyone but specifically for people who lost a very large and important community recently and we as a community are very glad to have an opportunity to continue on and make new friends along the way! A few other things about our server:

- Our server does not have pvp turned on. However, we will have a dedicated area set up for those who need their PVP fix. 

-There is /tpa, /tpahere, /back, and more accessible to members.

- We have a very friendly and helpful staff team to help out members anytime! We do hope you decide to join our SMP server and staff and the community will welcome you in with open arms!


~Safe Haven Community