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Economy - Towns - Survival - Adventure Events - Growing Community - Balanced Gameplay - Friendly Staff - No Pay2Win

Community is a simple word, but it means a lot. It’s a place that embraces personalities, pulls together ideas, holds honesty high, and spreads smiles. It sticks around, and doesn’t reset after a few minutes.

Excelsion strives to be an exhilarating, community centric, immersive experience for new and veteran gamers.

Brave the wilderness, battle fearsome mobs, discover troves, browse markets, crunch numbers like an entrepreneur, or build sprawling and bustling landscapes. Play with friends across multiple worlds, chat in teamspeak, face up adversity, and compete for glory. You can pave an adventure and leave your mark on the world.

Built on a vibrant economy, Excelsion is about opening fun and balanced opportunities for people to enjoy and connect with, for people to share, and for everyone to have a hand in crafting a more fluid, dynamic, and deeper environment.

Community is a home, something you look forward to.
It means everything.