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Mineclick is a server which currently has one gamemode called "Factions X". Factions X is factions, but cooler. In factions X there are many different features (mainly for raiding) which will be listed below.

Tracking is when you hunt a player down using /near. /Near shows all players nearby within a 200 block radius.

Nicknames are for giving yourself a cool little name that you can be known by, but they are also for raiding. Is there a team that you would like to raid but cannot find their base? Nickname yourself to one of the team members, and try to tp in. All nicknames will have a "~" in front of them, so be careful about your tpas.

=-Enchantments Shop-=
There is an enchantment shop that allows you to enchant up till level 10 (for a very high price of course)!